Saturday, July 14, 2007

Unsupportive Boyfriends

So I've finally decided to quit smoking forever. I've never had a blog before but my boyfriend went out for the night and I'm pretty peeved. I've tried to quit smoking in the past, maybe 3 times or so but I've never made it a week. Everytime I go back to smoking. I don't know why. I've even tried patches and gums and everything you can imagine.

But I guess there was one thing I never tried: sweet tarts!

I have a whole bag of them with me at all times. Whenever I get the urge, I start chomping. I've not had a cigarette since last Sunday. If I make it to Monday then I've broken my record.

But my boyfriend just keeps telling me how I'm not going to make it as he puffs away. And he's bad, he smokes like 3 packs a day. me? I smoked maybe a half a pack to at most a pack. But here I am, I got the laundry in, vacuuming the house with a bag of sweet tarts hanging off my belt while my future (maybe) fiance is out with his "pals" having a good ole time while I sit here and try not to smoke.

I told him I wasn't going to go out because I knew I would smoke if I did. So I don't care that he's out really. I just wish he'd tell me I could do it. I mean it's hard to quit smoking. I love him to pieces but a little support here please!!!


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