Well my poor sister has hit a snag in her divorce. It seems her soon-to-be EX husband has run off to somewhere in North Carolina with a bunch of documents she needs. I guess he just grabbed everything and left.
So now she's having to find local representation there. It's pretty special. What do you do, just go to North Carolina Attorneys/Lawyers and randomly select one?
It really seems they've got a bazillion. I don't know what to tell her. I'm the family Internet geek and I'm the one that every calls to find something out or research.
So, I'll probably just point her to this part here with NC lawyers that seem like they know what to do.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Woohoo 3 day weekend!
I love three day weekends! But I'm not sure what I want to do though. Sometimes it's fun to go on a road trip and stay at cheesy motels and stuff. But then sometimes it's fun to have a movie fest for the whole time. Right at home!
So I'm not sure which I'm going to be up to this weekend, but you can bet I'm going to have a great time. I can't believe how fast this year is going by. Here we are almost into September and I was just getting used to writting 2008 on my checks.
What's a girl to do!?
So I'm not sure which I'm going to be up to this weekend, but you can bet I'm going to have a great time. I can't believe how fast this year is going by. Here we are almost into September and I was just getting used to writting 2008 on my checks.
What's a girl to do!?
Monday, August 25, 2008
But, I forgot to mention... work is having a contest to send 2 people to Miami Beach in Florida. But they just had that hurricane fay I think it was. I wonder what the beaches look like!
Don't get me wrong, I hope the people are okay too. But at the same time, I really hope all the salons and spas for miami beach florida made it through okay.
Because you know, there's nothing worse than going through a tropical storm or hurricane without a place to get your nails done afterwards.
Shallow? YES!
Don't get me wrong, I hope the people are okay too. But at the same time, I really hope all the salons and spas for miami beach florida made it through okay.
Because you know, there's nothing worse than going through a tropical storm or hurricane without a place to get your nails done afterwards.
Shallow? YES!
Work sucks
I really wish I could do something where I didn't have to work anymore. But here I am stuck in my little apartment getting ready for work. I wish I was a trust fund baby or something. But I never knew my dad. Maybe when I turn 30 a man will knock on the door and say, "we've been saving this 5 million dollars untill you reached 30".
A girl can only hope.
In the mean-time, off to work I go. /puke...
A girl can only hope.
In the mean-time, off to work I go. /puke...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Houston or Los Angeles!
The fella I'm seeing right now wants to know where he should take a job. He got offered this big salary administrative job and they have two locations, Houston, TX or Los Angeles, CA.
And the real thing is, is if I'm serious about him. After being dumped on so many times I'm not sure. I see that Houston Texas has some major Salon and Spa action going on. And I really like Mexican food so that might be the way to go.
But then there's the Los Angeles California Salon, Spa, Massage bonanza! I mean they have everything and from the sounds of it my boyfriend, wait, guy i'm seeing, could now be able to afford it.
However, the real question is why am I basing my decision on the salon and spa services available and whether or not I actually like this guy.
And, I think there's my answer. Just the fact that this is what I'm thinking about is making up my mind. I think I don't care what he does and this has gone on long enough!
And the real thing is, is if I'm serious about him. After being dumped on so many times I'm not sure. I see that Houston Texas has some major Salon and Spa action going on. And I really like Mexican food so that might be the way to go.
But then there's the Los Angeles California Salon, Spa, Massage bonanza! I mean they have everything and from the sounds of it my boyfriend, wait, guy i'm seeing, could now be able to afford it.
However, the real question is why am I basing my decision on the salon and spa services available and whether or not I actually like this guy.
And, I think there's my answer. Just the fact that this is what I'm thinking about is making up my mind. I think I don't care what he does and this has gone on long enough!
I gotta go to Virginia!
So my mom called and said there's a big family reunion going on in Richmond, Virginia in 2.5 months! I asked my mom, "so like who's going to be there?" and she named off a whole slew of people I don't know.
So why do I have to go mother? Geez. She said she'd fly me out on her dime and also let me pick any Salon, spa or tanning in Virginia when I get there.
Soooooo I said allllll right. How can I turn that down? I don't think I really can. I mean it's a free trip and I like to travel and it's free salon stuff, woo woo.
So why do I have to go mother? Geez. She said she'd fly me out on her dime and also let me pick any Salon, spa or tanning in Virginia when I get there.
Soooooo I said allllll right. How can I turn that down? I don't think I really can. I mean it's a free trip and I like to travel and it's free salon stuff, woo woo.
Just went to get a dowel rod
Just went to get a dowel rod that didn't work. Well, actually it would have but we didn't realize you would have been able to open the cabinets. We didn't think of that went we measured!
So we get home and the cabinets would have been able to open even if the laundry rack would have been up. Oh well. When we go back we'll pick it up.
So we get home and the cabinets would have been able to open even if the laundry rack would have been up. Oh well. When we go back we'll pick it up.
I travel
Traveling really gets you out there. Someone that stays at home and doesn't enjoy the world right outside I think is missing a lot. It's one thing to stay on the computer and perhaps read media and news about everything going on in the world and think that you've experienced everything out there.
But there's something about just going there.
But there's something about just going there.
Is it true what they say about New York?
I'm not sure if I want to go to new york really. Especially the busy part where all the money hungry vultures are. Why can't people in New York or Manhatten enjoy a Salon or Spa every once in awhile. I mean it seems there's plenty there!
Then there's New Jersey. What is New Jersey anyway? Is it like New York's little sibling? Are there any decent Salon and Spas or Massages available in New Jersey? That remains to be seen. Do you really need a bodyguard to walk across the street though? I'm not sure if I believe that.
Then there's New Jersey. What is New Jersey anyway? Is it like New York's little sibling? Are there any decent Salon and Spas or Massages available in New Jersey? That remains to be seen. Do you really need a bodyguard to walk across the street though? I'm not sure if I believe that.
Salon and Spa Junky
I tell you I am a spa junky! I just love to go to salons and spas and there appears to be a group of sites going up that make me go ewlala! First there's this site about Salons and Ohio that I think was neat. But then I was reading all about Virginia and how it was one of the original 13 colonies and came across Salon and Spas in Virginia website that was neat.
You know, I bet you the original settlers could have used a facial or a mani... And I think Pennsylvania Manicures or Hair Salon would work for the settlers that landed there.
Did you see that movie, what was it, John Smith? Omg that movie was boring! I won't spoil the ending, it's anti-climatic.
You know, I bet you the original settlers could have used a facial or a mani... And I think Pennsylvania Manicures or Hair Salon would work for the settlers that landed there.
Did you see that movie, what was it, John Smith? Omg that movie was boring! I won't spoil the ending, it's anti-climatic.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Boring Day In the AZ
Why do I live here again? Arizona is the hottest state in the planet. I mean really. You walk outside and it is literally an oven. Imagine going up to an oven that has pre-heated to 400 degrees farenheit and opening it in your face. That's Arizona in the summer time.
You'd think people would be outside during the summer, playing having a great time and all that jazz, right? Not in Arizona. You can't even go SWIMMING in the summer. Our pool in the summer? 94.5 degrees, I just ran and checked it.
It is a ghost town in the summer in Arizona. You only see people in their cars with the AC blasting but no children playing. No dogs walking. They do it at night, when it cools off to 101 degrees. And then, well, you can't see them because it's dark out.
You'd think people would be outside during the summer, playing having a great time and all that jazz, right? Not in Arizona. You can't even go SWIMMING in the summer. Our pool in the summer? 94.5 degrees, I just ran and checked it.
It is a ghost town in the summer in Arizona. You only see people in their cars with the AC blasting but no children playing. No dogs walking. They do it at night, when it cools off to 101 degrees. And then, well, you can't see them because it's dark out.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Illinois Was Pretty Bland
On our big trip through the midwest we drove through Illinois. Whata place I tell yah. Chicago seemed be just like out of a movie. I don't have much to say about it. It also rained the entire drive through the place, so maybe I'm a little biased.
We used another site to find a dentist in Illinois because my boyfriend bit down on hard candy and broke his back right molar. I laughed for maybe 30 seconds until I realized he was really hurt and we had to stop and make some calls. Here is the one we went to, they did a good job:
But I don't really want to go here again. I mean we had fun at some Illinois casinos but we lost all our money and we had to charge on a credit card my boyfriend's dental work. It all was pretty rotten. And the last thing I want to do is go to a cash advance payday loan in Illinois. The whole place was just CrEePy!
Bub bye now!
We used another site to find a dentist in Illinois because my boyfriend bit down on hard candy and broke his back right molar. I laughed for maybe 30 seconds until I realized he was really hurt and we had to stop and make some calls. Here is the one we went to, they did a good job:
But I don't really want to go here again. I mean we had fun at some Illinois casinos but we lost all our money and we had to charge on a credit card my boyfriend's dental work. It all was pretty rotten. And the last thing I want to do is go to a cash advance payday loan in Illinois. The whole place was just CrEePy!
Bub bye now!
Oh yeah! The U.P. (Upper Peninsula) is cool!
I forgot to add that we went across the Mackinac bridge to the UP of Michigan. Coolest bridge ever. It's like 5 miles long connecting the Lower Peninsula to the Upper. Without a bridge, how would anyone get across! Anyway it was a great drive but it costs like $2 or something each way to drive it. That'd get expensive if you worked and lived on opposite sides.
Anyway, we drove through the UP too all the way through to Minnesota (via Wisconsin). I found another site all about the businesses in Minnesota too. Pretty cool. So when we needed to find a restaurant in Minnesota we didn't have any problem. I find the best sites for travelers I tell ya!
Good thing too, because our little taco bell dog Ruffy ran out of treats. So we found a great place for dog pet food and treats in Minnesota! Just ask me, I know peeps!
Anyway, we drove through the UP too all the way through to Minnesota (via Wisconsin). I found another site all about the businesses in Minnesota too. Pretty cool. So when we needed to find a restaurant in Minnesota we didn't have any problem. I find the best sites for travelers I tell ya!
Good thing too, because our little taco bell dog Ruffy ran out of treats. So we found a great place for dog pet food and treats in Minnesota! Just ask me, I know peeps!
Michigan is beautiful
I had a chance to go to Michigan (you know the state that looks like a mitten) and boy was it beautiful. We got lost a lot though, but with this site I found I never had a problem finding a Michigan hair salon or a place to get my nails done in Michigan!
My current boyfriend is everything my last one wasn't. He is supportive, a gentleman and everything I want and more. I just feel so lucky. It's crazy but every stumbling block I've been running into has turned into a stepping stone. Everything that's happened is leading me somewhere. Where? I don't know! But I can only believe it's only greeeaaat stuff ahead.
While we were in Michigan, my sister was in the middle of a messy divorce. She said she didn't need an attorney, but I kept telling her she DID. We sat down and went to AllofMichigan to hopefully find an attorney. All we needed was a divorce attorney lawyer in Michigan near Troy. We think we found a good one here:
but we'll see.
That's it for now!
My current boyfriend is everything my last one wasn't. He is supportive, a gentleman and everything I want and more. I just feel so lucky. It's crazy but every stumbling block I've been running into has turned into a stepping stone. Everything that's happened is leading me somewhere. Where? I don't know! But I can only believe it's only greeeaaat stuff ahead.
While we were in Michigan, my sister was in the middle of a messy divorce. She said she didn't need an attorney, but I kept telling her she DID. We sat down and went to AllofMichigan to hopefully find an attorney. All we needed was a divorce attorney lawyer in Michigan near Troy. We think we found a good one here:
That's it for now!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I'm going to Hawaii~~!!
My mom and I are getting away!!! We're taking an 8 day trip to hawaii and hopefully get a great tan, relax and have a great time. I'm still not smoking that's a plus. I've been going through Salons of Hawaii in the hopes I can find a decent stylist for the 2 nights we plan on having on the town.
Salons in Georgia
I've only been to Georgia one time and I wish I would have had This site that has all Salon and Spas of Georgia!
Boy there's great salons everywhere!
I've found this site Vermont Salons that has all different salons in Vermont.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Found a great site for Salons
My stylist moved away! But I found a great site to help me find a new one. Arizona Salon and Spas has a whole bunch of listings here in Arizona. I had a great visit with my mom by the way (hi mom) which was my last post here.
I'm still smoke free. But I need to get some highlights! If you have a good stylist here in the valley send me a message!
I'm still smoke free. But I need to get some highlights! If you have a good stylist here in the valley send me a message!
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